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Buy German Permanent Residence card


Buy German Permanent Residence online, the German residence permit (German: Aufenthaltstitel) is a document issued to non-EU citizens (so-called third-country nationals) living in Germany.

Buy German Permanent Residence

Buy German Permanent Residence card, the German residence permit (German: Aufenthaltstitel) is a document issued to non-EU citizens (so-called third-country nationals) living in Germany.

Prior to 1 September 2011, residence permits and additional provisions were affixed to pages inside the passport (in sticker form). Today, residence permits are issued as ID-1 (credit card size) plastic cards and the additional provisions are printed on a separate sheet of paper, so that residents have to possess (but not carry around) up to three different documents: a passport from their country of citizenship, their residence permit, and the supplementary sheet (if applicable). Carrying passports and residence cards is only compulsory when crossing borders. Within Germany, it is sufficient to know where they are and to show them to the police within a reasonable amount of time, when requested.

Types of Germany Residence Document We Issue

  1. Limited Residence Permit
  2. Unlimited Residence Permit

Main benefits of Permanent Residency in Germany include:

  • No extension required
  • Entitlement for any employment including self-employment.
  • Freedom of movement in the EU/EEA.
  • Permission on education and vocational training.
  • Guaranteed social security and health insurance.
  • Guaranteed social benefits.


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  • Get German original residence card
  • How to buy German permanent residence
  • Buy original German residence permit
  • We provide the following Germany Permanent Residence Permit

    1. Limited Residence Permit
    2. Unlimited Residence Permit

    Information needed for the Germany Permanent Residence Permit:
    -Given name:
    -Date of birth:
    -Place of birth:
    -Mailing address if different from the address on the resident permit:
